Fencing Installation and Repair
High quality fencing with durable fence posts.
As part of our garden maintenance services we can supply and install a wide range of high-quality fencing. We can repair existing fencing if it is in reasonable condition or we can replace it with new timber, concrete posts or metal railings depending on your preference.
We recommend concrete posts and concrete kickboards to ensure your new fence lasts for as long as possible. Any wood buried in the ground will eventually rot over time. so, we try to avoid this if possible.
Repair vs replacement
Where possible we aim to repair rather than replace entire fencing runs. However, if the timbers are rotten or the concrete has started to crumble, we will recommend removal and replacement of existing fencing. Please send us some photos so we can see your existing fencing, we can then advice accordingly.
Emergency repairs
If the wind and rain have damaged your fencing get in touch and we’ll be with you as soon as possible to repair any damaged panels and re-set any fallen posts. Please contact us as soon as possible so we can book you in.